Basic Things You Should Know Before Painting Your Home

A room with paint brushes, paint, and a ladder.

Basic Things You Should Know Before Painting Your Home.

It is always exciting to give our homes a nifty makeover, be it a little makeover or a full-blown renovation. While it is overwhelmingly thrilling to make changes in your home, it is essential to do a little research about the basic stuff to consider before you start throwing paint around. So if you are planning to do some home re-modelling, make sure to check this blog for some helpful and wise tips to make your project a success!

Selecting the Right Paint Products before painting your home!

The most appealing feature in choosing is probably its colour. Although colour gives the life in one’s home, the specifications of a paint is never secondary. It is the same importance to always check the back of the can for recommendations and specifications. The surface to be painted is also essential e.g. Interior, Exterior, Ceiling, walls, windows, doors, etc. Make sure that you are able to identify if its timber or say plasterboard that you wish to paint. Selecting the wrong product will result in poor house-paint quality and more frequent painting. When in doubt, it is best to call a professional painter to do the trouble for you.

Paint Application

Now that you have chosen the right paint for your surface, it’s time to do the dirty work of dripping the paint down your wall. But don’t get too carried away with your brush & roller just yet because painting requires surface preparation. A properly prepared surface always shows the best painting results.

Make sure to prepare the area you are going to paint. Place cloth or plastic drop sheets where required, (cloth for the floor, plastic over furniture & other stuff you cannot remove from area). Think of it this way, if you accidentally dropped a full tin of paint from the top of your ladder, believe me, you will be surprised at the sheer size of mess it will create… if in doubt cover it up. Most importantly, a good painter always carries a rag. Read the packaging recommendations for the tools, spreading and thinning recommendation.

A residential bathroom with a shower and toilet.

Choose the right tools in painting application, such as brushes, rollers, and spray. Brushes and rollers are easier to use than the spray. A DIY spray job using cheap spray equipment leads to disappointing results – better spare your regrets and call a professional painter.


Never lose the beauty of your paintwork by proper maintenance. Exterior paint work requires more frequent maintenance than interior paint. Dust, dirt, grim, and carbon, even bird droppings should be removed so as not to deteriorate the quality of your home’s exterior. A change in season is also the right time for house exterior cleansing.

Ask yourself this question: Is my house worth more than my car? So why don’t you give your house a rinse every once in a while?

A rinse off with the hose and a soft broom down every Spring, allows you to have a good look for any issues that need addressing prior to the extreme Summer weather we have here in Australia.

Problem Prevention

A small paint problems such as bubbling and wrinkling should not be underestimated. These problems can grow like wildfire and may lead you to major problems later such as mould, rotting timber, or even worse structural damage. When dealing with these problems, look for its symptoms.

A modern home with a swimming pool and a residential painting area.

Let’s have a closer look at one of the more common issues you may encounter– rotting. At plain sight this brown or black spots growing on your ceiling or walls can easily be covered by another layer of paint, but the symptoms lie at the underlying surface and it is more likely that an actively-growing fungal colony is loving the moist condition. Hence, painting your wall to cover this up will not solve the problem but will rather worsen it.

But what should you do? Clean the affected surface with household white vinegar, while it may not fully remove the staining but it will kill the mould spores. Check inside the roof cavity to see if your roof is leaking or is the problem a ventilation issue and maintain dry conditions to prevent your house from rotting. It is better to prevent these problems sooner than later.

These few basic things to keep in mind shall guide you on your next home make-over. But for your doubts and other concerns, it is best to consult professional painters. Skip the trouble of painting your home and hire domestic painters from Valley Painting and Maintenance.

Give one of your biggest investment its best care. If you are stuck and just want some advice on the basic things you should know before painting your home give us a call.

Call us at 0410 560 061 or email us at
